Sunday, October 30, 2011

Agave guiengola 'Creme Brulee'

I've posted this plant before on the blog but only yesterday listed it at our nursery. It's Agave guiengola 'Creme Brulee'. Originating from the Guiengola limestone cliffs of Oaxaca in Mexico and originally sold with the invalid cultivar name Agave guiengola 'Marginata', it now goes with the more colorful name of Creme Brulee. The pink on the edges tends to come with the brighter light of summer, becoming lest noticeable during the winter months. We've fallen in love with this plant so I couldn't resist posting it again.
Enjoy your plants.


  1. Es un agrado ver este hermoso agave, los colores son llamativos. Espero que estés bien.
    Ahora en noviembre veremos como va el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
    un abrazo.
