This time we are going to the beach. We're leaving tomorrow morning and will be gone until Thursday night...just a brief respite from getting ready for winter. The Oregon Coast is only 1 1/2 hours from us, as are the mountains, and we've always enjoyed retreating to the coast and sometimes to the high desert on the East side of the mountains.
There was a brief tsunami advisory in effect for tonight along the coast, but nothing significant. Though this is a minor event here, it will serve as a reminder of the suffering of those in Pago Pago and elsewhere in Samoa following the earthquake that hit the area. They will be in our thoughts and prayers.
This is a photo from the deck of the motel where we stay in Lincoln City. I'll be back with some more photos and comments Friday or Saturday.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thank You
Just a brief "Thank You" to those of you who regularly follow this blog. Your presence and the input I get from your sites helps keep me going. In that light, I wish good travels for "Rika", travelling from Germany to Japan. Bon Voyage.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lithops schwantesii var. marthae (part 2)
Yesterday I said I'd try to get a photo of L. schwantesii var. marthae with the flower open. I almost waited too long as the sun was setting when I took this.
Echeveria 'Black Knight'
The Fall flowering season is in full swing, this one being the flower of Echeveria 'Black Knight'. This one wants us to take notice!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lithops variegate
We picked up this Lithops at a small Mojave Desert nursery a couple of years ago. We understand that most variegation in lithops is short lived, but this has lasted through two growth seasons. The photo is by by wife, Lynn-Marie.
Another Lithops flower
And another Lithops breaks into flower. This is Lithops schwantesii var. marthae and the flower opened up more later on but I didn't have the camera. If it's still out, I'll catch it tomorrow.
Beavertail Cactus
Another photo from earlier this year on our rather problem filled trip to the Southwest U.S. This photo of Opuntia basilaris (Beavertail Cactus) was taken just outside of St. George, Utah on our way toward Vegas and Tucson. We've seen a desert in Nevada with these flowers covering the ground as far as the eye could see. Quite impressive.
Escobaria minima
This photo isn't recent, but I haven't posted it yet: Escobaria minima. I love the flower color and they're pretty hardy as well.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Variegated Gasteria
We haven't really specialized in collecting Gasterias, but this is a nice little Gasteria variegate that I like quite a bit. Don't know it's name, if it has one. Help anyone?
Echinocactus grusonii monstrose
Another from our collection. This one doesn't flower, but it keeps on proliferating. And proliferating. It's labeled as a monstrous form of Echinocactus grusonii, but you couldn't prove it by me. It isn't big like the "Golden Barrel", but does have some resemblance... We haven't tried it on it's own roots yet; maybe next Spring.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fall Madness!
With the arrival of Fall, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and especially in more northerly climes, comes the annual "adventure" of finding places in the greenhouses (and the house) for all the plants which can't take the sometimes frosty nights. This year the challenge is going to be especially difficult. Some older plants which just weren't doing too well have had to be discarded and other plants, which we have to many of, are being put on sale or offered wholesale to some local plant shops. And even then it's going to be hard to get everything in. We may be testing the hardiness of some plants we aren't too sure of!
All of this means lots of lifting and moving flats and some larger potted plants. Since I wasn't feeling well this morning most of today's work fell on my partner of 41 years, Lynn-Marie. My thanks to her!
Anyone want to come over and lend a drinks and possibly a gift plant for the effort!
All of this means lots of lifting and moving flats and some larger potted plants. Since I wasn't feeling well this morning most of today's work fell on my partner of 41 years, Lynn-Marie. My thanks to her!
Anyone want to come over and lend a drinks and possibly a gift plant for the effort!
Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. schwarzii crest
This is another favorite among our crest collection. It blooms dependably every Spring.
And what's not to like about this line of flowers.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
No go
Wasn't feeling good this morning so we didn't go to the coast. Will probably do so next week. In the meantime I'll continue to post.
Off to the coast
I won't be posting for the next couple of days as we're taking a couple of days off at the Oregon coast. It looks like the weather is going to be great as we're in a bit of a dry spell. This should be a good break. Back later.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Glottiphyllum pygmaeum
Sunday, September 20, 2009
All tuckered out!
I'm afraid I'm too tired to post much tonight. As my profile indicates, I'm a retired United Methodist clergyman - emphasis on "retired". But I'm still invited to do things now and again. I'll be doing a baptism of a child of a child I baptized some years ago on 11 October and I'll be officiating at a worship service on the 18th. And I still worship at the church where I was Pastor for 19 years, Woodlawn United Methodist Church in Portland - a multicultural and multiracial congregation.
As some of you may have surmised, I'm not aligned with the religious right in this country; I'm what I would describe as a "progressive Christian." And if I ever decide to spout off about my political or religious views, it'll be in a separate blog.
That said, I'm not used to 3 1/2 hour long worship services, but I was invited to be part of the clergy celebrating a special occasion at a Black Baptist Church this morning. And though it lasted at least 3 1/2 hours, it didn't seem that long because the music was so outstanding (100 voice choir, an instrumental ensemble of drummers, violins, cello, harp, flute, saxophone, electric guitar, organ and piano, and some very outstanding soloists)!
Then I came home and painted some trim on the house. I'll post more tomorrow after I get some rest!
As some of you may have surmised, I'm not aligned with the religious right in this country; I'm what I would describe as a "progressive Christian." And if I ever decide to spout off about my political or religious views, it'll be in a separate blog.
That said, I'm not used to 3 1/2 hour long worship services, but I was invited to be part of the clergy celebrating a special occasion at a Black Baptist Church this morning. And though it lasted at least 3 1/2 hours, it didn't seem that long because the music was so outstanding (100 voice choir, an instrumental ensemble of drummers, violins, cello, harp, flute, saxophone, electric guitar, organ and piano, and some very outstanding soloists)!
Then I came home and painted some trim on the house. I'll post more tomorrow after I get some rest!
Gymnocalycium bruchii variegated crest
The Monster Table
Over the years we've collected a fair number of crests, variegated and monstrose plants. This is where most of the crests etc. are located in our greenhouses. Some are in desperate need of re-grafting. Some have been removed from their grafts and are growing on their own roots. In the next few weeks I'll be posting a few of these plants for your enjoyment.
Haemanthus albiflos
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora'
I've always liked these little jewels. Lynn-Marie's been growing them on for quite a while now and we'll probably list them eventually. But no matter what, I love their colorful, plump little fingers.
The normal form of this plant is sometimes called "Pork & Beans"; no Pork and Beans here! These are called "Jelly Beans" by some, but in my humble opinion, none of the "common" names do them justice.
Again, it's time for the magnifying glass. These aren't expensive rarities, but they can give as much enjoyment as the most expensive and rare plant.

Again, it's time for the magnifying glass. These aren't expensive rarities, but they can give as much enjoyment as the most expensive and rare plant.

Mammillaria plumosa
Here in Portland we're quickly moving into the Fall season. The nights are getting a bit more crisp and the number of warm days begin to decrease...and the cactus flowers are less and less. A few plants, like the Lithops of course, will be blooming now, and we'll post some of those. But for today's plant I'm reaching back to an older photo of Mammillaria plumosa. This is a plant that blooms like mad, and for us at least, it does so throughout much of the winter. (Which reminds me...I have to pot this clump up this week!)
Jardinera de Omega
Today, a real change of pace. Actually, she doesn't pace...just a nice smooth gait. This is our Paso Fino, Jardinera de Omega. Lynn-Marie's the rider.
Yes, we have another horse other than "Ladybug", but unlike Ladybug, Jardinera doesn't get to stay at our house or, on occasion, come into the house. She lives at the stables about 7 miles from us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Aloe sinkatana
This isn't an unusual aloe, but it's a lovely, easy to grow aloe - Aloe sinkatana. I understand it's hardy in the San Francisco Bay area of California but I've had no indication that's it's truly cold hardy in our area of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. And if it can withstand our cold, it would need excellent drainage to survive our wet winters. Nevertheless, I may try one this winter to check it out.
But even if that doesn't work out, it's still a nice pot subject and well worth growing.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Haworthia chloracantha
Old Man Convention
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Lithops bromfeldii var. glaudinae C116
OK, that's getting a little sappy, but you get the point. These plants illustrate the point. Who needs flowers to enjoy plants like these?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Trichocereus (Echinopsis) Flower
Lithops lesliei 'Albinica'
Portland Fish Pond
It's been one of those days. Getting ready for company coming from Phoenix, Arizona while at the same time enjoying the late summer early Fall weather we often get here in Portland. Generally at this time of year it's in the 70's and 80's with mostly sunny skies. But we do get the occasional Pacific Ocean storm through to cool things off. Tomorrow and Saturday we should approach 90 F.
So it was a good day to sit on the deck overlooking the fish pond with a late summer drink in hand...
So it was a good day to sit on the deck overlooking the fish pond with a late summer drink in hand...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lithops salicola
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A herd of Haworthia truncata
With this image I'll end my series on Haworthias. These are, of course, H. truncatas - specifically Haworthia truncata from GM313 seed.
I think I'll head on over to the Lithops next, or just something which catches my fancy. We'll see.
Took Ladybug for a walk on the University of Portland campus today - if that's what you want to call it. It's hard to walk when you're constantly being asked for a picture or if it's OK to pet her. I guess we're becoming sort of the unofficial mascot for some of the students...
Took Ladybug for a walk on the University of Portland campus today - if that's what you want to call it. It's hard to walk when you're constantly being asked for a picture or if it's OK to pet her. I guess we're becoming sort of the unofficial mascot for some of the students...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Haworthia magnifica var. acuminata 'Grey Ghost'
This Haworthia isn't that uncommon. It's known simply as Haworthia 'Grey Ghost'. When it gets to the species name, it's often identified as Haworthia retusa 'Grey Ghost', but retusa has been changed to H. magnifica var. acuminata by Bayer, which would make it H. magnifica var. acuminata 'Grey Ghost'. Confused yet? Don't be. The naming of Haworthias is still very much in transition (as all botanical naming always is), and certainly at this point, they're all synonyms and can all equally be used.
Individual plants can vary a lot depending on the care they've received, especially the amount of light.
It may not be all that uncommon, but it can be a very impressive plant with it's whitish-gray variegation.
Individual plants can vary a lot depending on the care they've received, especially the amount of light.
It may not be all that uncommon, but it can be a very impressive plant with it's whitish-gray variegation.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Haworthia mantelii (or 'Mantelii')
Haworthia mantelii is a hybrid of unknown origin, though it is suggested that it is a cross of H. truncata and H. cuspidata, with "cuspidata" not likely to be a legitimate species as well. As a result the "species" name should be in single quotes. Regardless of it's origin, its a vigorous and impressive plant.

Haworthia cymbiformis variegate
Haworthia cymbiformis variegate
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty'
A little change up tonight. We'll get back to a couple of more Haworthias yet, but for now a lovely natural cultivar of Echeveria nodulosa with more accented markings and larger size than the normal version. E. nodulosa 'Painted Beauty' is another of those lovely plants at any distance, but absolutely outstanding in the close-up lens!
Tomorrow is Labor Day in the U.S., but I'll still be posting. Hope you drop in.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Ladybug - University of Portland Fan
Oh well, you can't have everything! And they don't have soccer shirts that fit Ladybug.
If you weren't aware, Ladybug is our miniature horse who lives with us in town, along with our two Tervuren dogs, a calico cat and a sometimes overwhelming mass of cacti and succulents.
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to teach Ladybug to transplant succulent plants, but she's a part of the family, so we keep her anyway!
Speaking of plants, how about this lovely...Haworthia truncata var. maughenii:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Haworthia 'Harry Johnson III'
Another cultivar, a classic hybrid developed by Harry Johnson - appropriately named 'Harry Johnson'. (Actually, we have three very different Haworthias which we originally purchased from Johnson's Cactus Nursery many years ago with this name. They're labeled 'Harry Johnson I, II, & III) This one is III and we find it to still be very popular.
A closeup view. The colors, of course, are best with strong light.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Haworthia 'Chocolate'
I hope you don't like chocolate. If you do, this is one tempting plant. Luckily you don't have to eat it to enjoy it. (That's a good thing since I'm supposed to be losing weight, what with my ongoing cardiac condition.)
I'll be finishing off my series on Haworthias this week, especially adding some hybrids. Then maybe next week I'll start on Echeverias?
I'll be finishing off my series on Haworthias this week, especially adding some hybrids. Then maybe next week I'll start on Echeverias?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Haworthia 'Baccata'
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