Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Turbinicarpus saueri ssp. ysabelae

I think as we get older it's harder to keep up with all the name changes. We first received this as Gymnocactus ysabelae, but that didn't stick. Then it became Turbinicactus ysabelae. But that didn't stick either. Now it appears to be Turbinicarpus saueri ssp. ysabelae. Plus, I have the bad habit of mispelling Turbinicarpus as well.
Whatever its proper name, it's a beauty of a plant, apparently endangered in its native habitat (Tula in Tamaulipas, Mexico) from over collection. This is seed grown and is not at all common in collections.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Lutero me gusta mucho este hermoso cactus de hecho no lo tengo y me gustaría tenerlo en mi colección que suerte que tu lo tienes, que tengas una buena semana un abrazo.
