Monday, August 2, 2010

Echeveria agavoides x Echeveria pulidonis

This is - as far as I know - an as yet un-named hybrid of Echeveria agavoides and E. pulidonis. A lot of the Echeverias are looking quite sharp at this time of year.
I'll try to take some more photos tomorrow, but between getting some orders out and cleaning the floors in the house to prepare for our guest from Phoenix and an evening with our grandchildren later this week, I don't know where I'm going to get the time. I guess I have to make the time, right?


  1. I just posted a shot of this one on my blog a week or so ago. They are beautiful!

  2. Oops not my blog but my Flickr photostream. Here is the link:

  3. Hi Luther!
    This echeveria looks healthy and happy. It seems that you are too busy but hope you will upload the photos of them soon.

  4. Luther, that's gorgeous! Did you hybridize it?

  5. Yes, we really like these but only have a few propagated so far. And, no, we didn't hybridize it. Don't know the source.

    I will try to get more Echeveria posts up soon. So much to do; so little time!
