Friday, July 20, 2012

Euphorbia flanaganii

Another plant that's flowering right now is Euphorbia flanaganii. It's an easy and classic  Euphorbia, native to Cape Province in South Africa, with all those "snakes" going out in all directions
We had a good turnout on a somewhat dreary and cool day. We're hoping for nicer weather tomorrow. (I corrected the name. I was just too tired on that day. July 25)


  1. Great plant, and great photo! Beautiful colours and clusters.

  2. Yes, it is. But I was tired and put the wrong name on the plant. It should have been Euphorbia flanaganii, and I should have known better. (Corrections made.)

  3. Funny how when we're tired, we can still do things, albiet a few silly mistakes, I speak for myself. I did not even notice; it's still a Euphorbia, and it's still a beautiful plant/photo.
